
一、affine camera Calibration

1.1 相机参数 计算

  • 小块大小: 50 mm * 50 mm
  • 小块间隔: 30mm
  • 总大小: 450 mm * 450 mm

  • 计算思路:
  • 查看ps1_code中的三个npy文件的shape
  • real_XY:(12,2)
  • front:(12,2)
  • back:(12,2)
  • p' = M P

在相机校准中,相机的参数矩阵为:(3 * 4),一共有11个自由度;

  • 但是本题,是affine camera, 是弱透视投影,因此,参数为:

  • 只需要计算8个自由度;

  • m3为[0 0 0 1]

  • 则m3Pi = 1

  • 因此,可以建立上图中的P矩阵为:(2n * 8)的矩阵,n为参考点个数;

  • m 为: (8 * 1),省略m3,到时候添加上一行[0 0 0 1]就可以

  • 因此线性方程变为: Pm=0 ==>Am=b


####在我们的方程中:AM =b

  • A: 2n * 8
  • m: 8 * 1
  • b = 2n * 1


因此,计算 affine camera的矩阵为:

def compute_camera_matrix(real_XY, front_image, back_image):
    img_num1 = front_image.shape[0] 
    img_num2 = back_image.shape[0]

    # 建立真实XYZ的齐次矩阵
    ones = np.ones((img_num1, 1))
    front_z = np.zeros((img_num1, 1))
    front_scence = np.c_[real_XY, front_z, ones]  # 12 * 4

    back_z =150 * np.ones((img_num2,1))
    back_scence = np.c_[real_XY, back_z, ones]  # 12 * 4

    # 合并两个真实场景
    M_scene = np.r_[front_scence, back_scence]  # 24 * 4

    # 系数矩阵 A  2n * 8
    n = img_num1 + img_num2
    A = np.zeros((2*n, 8))
    for i in range(0, A.shape[0], 2):
        idx = int(i/2)
        A[i, :] = np.hstack((M_scene[idx, :], [0, 0, 0, 0]))
        A[i+1, :] = np.hstack(([0, 0, 0, 0], M_scene[idx, :]))

    # 图片对应点矩阵 2n * 1 
    # b = [U1,V1, U2,V2,..., Un,Vn]
    b = front_image[0].T
    for i in range(1, img_num1, 1):
        b = np.hstack((b, front_image[i].T))
    for j in range(img_num2):
        b = np.hstack((b, back_image[j].T))
    b = np.reshape(b, (2 * n, 1))

    # 计算矩阵,添加最后一行
    # p = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)  # 直接计算 AM= b ==> M = A^(-1)*b
    # camera_matrix = p[0]

    camera_matrix = np.linalg.inv(A.T.dot(A)).dot(A.T).dot(b)   # 使用最小二乘计算结果
    camera_matrix = np.reshape(camera_matrix, (2, -1)) # m(8,1) ==> m(2,4)
    camera_matrix = np.vstack((camera_matrix, [0, 0, 0, 1])) # 添加最后一列 ==> m(3,4)
    return camera_matrix
  • 其中,使用两中方法:
  • 计算 m = A^(-1)*b
  • 计算最小二乘法


  • 方法一:
    [[ 5.31276507e-01 -1.80886074e-02  1.20509667e-01  1.29720641e+02]
    [ 4.84975447e-02  5.36366401e-01 -1.02675222e-01  4.43879607e+01]
    [ 0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  1.00000000e+00]]
  • 方法二:
[[ 5.31276507e-01 -1.80886074e-02  1.20509667e-01  1.29720641e+02]
 [ 4.84975447e-02  5.36366401e-01 -1.02675222e-01  4.43879607e+01]
 [ 0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  1.00000000e+00]]
  • 两者之间的差为:
[[ 3.55271368e-15  5.19723153e-15 -1.38777878e-17  0.00000000e+00]
 [ 2.20060081e-13 -1.89404048e-13  3.06282777e-14  2.84217094e-14]
 [ 0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00]]


1.2 RMS 计算

  • RMS :

def rms_error(camera_matrix, real_XY, front_image, back_image):
    img_num1 = front_image.shape[0]
    img_num2 = back_image.shape[0]

    ones = np.ones((img_num1,1))
    # 建立图像XYZ的齐次矩阵
    front_img = np.c_[front_image, ones]     # front_image : n * 3
    back_img = np.c_[back_image, ones]   # back_image: n * 3
    img = np.r_[front_img, back_img]
    img = img.T  # img : 3 * 2n

    # 建立真实XYZ的齐次矩阵
    front_z = np.zeros((img_num1, 1))
    front_scence = np.c_[real_XY, front_z, ones]  # n * 4

    back_z =150 * np.ones((img_num2,1))
    back_scence = np.c_[real_XY, back_z, ones]  # n * 4

    # 合并两个真实场景
    M_scene = np.r_[front_scence, back_scence]  # 2n * 4
    M_scene = M_scene.T  # real : 4 * 2n

    M_scene_trans = camera_matrix.dot(M_scene)  # 变换
    diff_sqr = (M_scene_trans - img)**2 # 平方差
    diff_sum = np.sum(np.sum(diff_sqr,axis=0))  # 平方差的和,先行相加,在列相加
    diff_sum /= (img_num1 + img_num2)   # 求均值

    rms_error = np.sqrt(diff_sum)
    return rms_error

1.3 主函数

  • python 3.6
import numpy as np
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Load the example coordinates setup.
    real_XY = np.load('real_XY.npy')
    front_image = np.load('front_image.npy')
    back_image = np.load('back_image.npy')

    camera_matrix = compute_camera_matrix(real_XY, front_image, back_image)
    rmse = rms_error(camera_matrix, real_XY, front_image, back_image)
    print ("Camera Matrix:\n", camera_matrix)
    print ("RMS Error: ", rmse)

1.4 使用两个位置平面的原因

  • 如果只使用一个平面:
    • 线性方程的系数矩阵: rank < n; 非满秩矩阵,没有唯一解,


  • 因此,需要至少两个平面;


2.1 灭点

  • 相机 no-skew :没有偏斜
  • square pixels with no distortion : 没有扭曲

  • 在3d中平行的线投影到2D中,相交于一点—灭点;因此,通过两线相交求得灭点;

    points - 四对点,前两对为一条直线,后两对为一条,两条线是平行的;
def compute_vanishing_point(points):
    # 获取四对点
    x1 = points[0, 0]
    y1 = points[0, 1]   # (x1,y1)
    x2 = points[1, 0]
    y2 = points[1, 1]   # (x2,y2)
    x3 = points[2, 0]
    y3 = points[2, 1]   # (x3,y3)
    x4 = points[3, 0]
    y4 = points[3, 1]   # (x4,y4)

    # 计算两条直线的参数
    a1 = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)
    b1 = y1 - a1 * x1
    print("line1: ", a1, b1)

    a2 = (y4 - y3)/(x4 - x3)
    b2 = y3 - a2 * x3
    print("line2:", a2, b2)

    # 计算交点
    x = (b1 - b2)/(a2 - a1)
    y = a1 * x + b1
    vanish_point = np.array([x, y])
    return vanish_point

2.2 计算相机内参矩阵K

  • 使用三对灭点计算内部参数
  • 无穷线的投影变成了水平线:


设两对平行线的灭点为v1,v2, 两对平行线的方向分别为d1,d2,那么这每一对平行线的夹角为:


  • 得4个未知参数,然而w是可以缩放的,因此w6最后缩放为1,只需要3个未知变量;

  • 因此,只需要三对灭点就可以求得矩阵K;

  • 每一个式子可以求解一个未知解;


w6 最小化1;

  • 说明w是一个对称矩阵,并且是正定矩阵,那么可以在最后,使用Cholesky分解法进行分解;

  • cholesky分解


    vanishing_points - a list of vanishing points

    K - the intrinsic camera matrix (3x3 matrix)
def compute_K_from_vanishing_points(vanishing_points):
    v1 = vanishing_points[0]
    v2 = vanishing_points[1]
    v3 = vanishing_points[2]

    # 构建系数矩阵
    A = np.zeros((3, 4))
    A[0] = np.array([(v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1]), (v1[0] + v2[0]), (v1[1] + v2[1]), 1])
    A[1] = np.array([(v1[0]*v3[0] + v1[1]*v3[1]), (v1[0] + v3[0]), (v1[1] + v3[1]), 1])
    A[2] = np.array([(v2[0]*v3[0] + v2[1]*v3[1]), (v2[0] + v3[0]), (v2[1] + v3[1]), 1])

    # print("A:\n",A)
    # SVD分解
    U, s, vT = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=True)

    # print('SVD:\n',U,U.shape)
    # print('s:\n',s, s.shape)
    # print('v:\n',vT,vT.shape)
    # print()

    w = vT[-1, :]   # 取最后一行,最为最优解
    print('w:\n',w, w.shape)
    omega = np.array([  # 建立w矩阵
        [w[0], 0, w[1]],
        [0, w[0], w[2]],
        [w[1], w[2], w[3]]
    ], dtype=np.float64)

    # 使用cholesky 分解得到K
    kT_inv = np.linalg.cholesky(omega)  # w = (k*k.T)^-1 ==> 分解为 k.T^-1
    k = np.linalg.inv(kT_inv.T) 
    k /= k[2, 2]    # 最小化
    return k


  • 三对灭点: 需要正交
  • 为了减小误差,可以使用超过两条以上的平行线计算灭点,然后计算这个坐标的平均值作为最终灭点;

2.3 计算两个平面的夹角

  • 通过上面的公式,通过灭点计算灭线,然后计算角度;
  • 【问题】
    • 不明白为什么通过求点的叉积来获得灭线向量,感觉没有意义啊??
    vanishing_pair1 - a list of a pair of vanishing points computed from lines within the same plane
    vanishing_pair2 - a list of another pair of vanishing points from a different plane than vanishing_pair1
    K - the camera matrix used to take both images

    angle - the angle in degrees between the planes which the vanishing point pair comes from2
def compute_angle_between_planes(vanishing_pair1, vanishing_pair2, K):
    omega_inv = K.dot(K.T)

    # a set of vanishing points on one plane
    v1 = np.hstack((vanishing_pair1[0], 1))
    v2 = np.hstack((vanishing_pair1[1], 1))

    # another set of vanishing points on the other plane
    v3 = np.hstack((vanishing_pair2[0], 1))
    v4 = np.hstack((vanishing_pair2[1], 1))

    # find two vanishing lines
    L1 = np.cross(v1.T, v2.T)  # 为什么如此?
    L2 = np.cross(v3.T, v4.T)

    # find the angle between planes
    costheta = (L1.T.dot(omega_inv).dot(L2)) / (np.sqrt(L1.T.dot(omega_inv).dot(L1)) * np.sqrt(L2.T.dot(omega_inv).dot(L2)))
    theta = (np.arccos(costheta) / math.pi) * 180

    return theta

2.4 计算旋转矩阵

  • 假设相机只经过旋转,没有平移;
  • 通过灭点求解的真实平行线的方向;
  • 两幅图片的真实平行线是不变的,通过真实平行线的矩阵变换求得相机的旋转矩阵;
    vanishing_points1 - a list of vanishing points in image 1
    vanishing_points2 - a list of vanishing points in image 2
    K - the camera matrix used to take both images

    R - the rotation matrix between camera 1 and camera 2
def compute_rotation_matrix_between_cameras(vanishing_points1, vanishing_points2, K):

    ones = np.ones((vanishing_points1.shape[0], 1))
    # 建立齐次矩阵
    v1 = np.hstack((vanishing_points1, ones)).T
    v2 = np.hstack((vanishing_points2, ones)).T

    # 计算真实平行线的方向
    # d = K^-1 * v
    k_inv = np.linalg.inv(K)
    D1 = k_inv.dot(v1) / np.linalg.norm(k_inv.dot(v1),axis=0)   # 按列计算norm范数
    D2 = k_inv.dot(v2) / np.linalg.norm(k_inv.dot(v2),axis=0)

    # d2 = R * d1, d2.T = d1.T * R.T
    R = np.linalg.lstsq(D1.T, D2.T,rcond = None)[0].T

    return R