

一、 从对应点估计基础矩阵

  • 本题要求从对应点估计基础矩阵,使用二种方法:

    • 线性最小二乘法的八点算法
    • 归一化八点算法
  • 笔记:

  • 给予两张图片,没有相机内外参数;

  • 求出基本矩阵

  • 方法: ‘Eight-Point 算法

  1. 至少8对 对应点






  • W : N*9 矩阵 , N: 对应对的数量
  • f: 基本矩阵

  • 这里进行了两次SVD分解;
  • 首先获得F矩阵的近似;
  • 第二次获得RANK为2的F;
# points1, points2 都是np.array
def lls_eight_point_alg(points1, points2):
    len = points1.shape[0]

    W = np.zeros((len, 9))   # 37 * 9 齐次矩阵
    for i in range(len):
        u1 = points1[i, 0]
        v1 = points1[i, 1]
        u2 = points2[i, 0]
        v2 = points2[i, 1]
        W[i] = np.r_[u1*u2, u2*v1, u2, v2*u1, v1*v2, v2, u1, v1, 1]

    # SVD
    U, S, VT = np.linalg.svd(W, full_matrices=True)
    f = VT[-1, :]   # 最后一行为最优解
    F_hat = np.reshape(f, (3, 3))    # 最小二乘的近似

    # 计算rank =2 的F
    U, S_hat, VT = np.linalg.svd(F_hat, full_matrices=True)
    s = np.zeros((3, 3))   # sigma 矩阵
    s[0, 0] = S_hat[0]
    s[1, 1] = S_hat[1]  # sigma 的Rank为2
    F = np.dot(U, np.dot(s, VT))

    return F

2. 归一化八点算法


  • p点, 和通过基本矩阵将点p’映射到的极线上l= Fp’,两者的距离很大;点和极线之间的均值误差如下:

  • 8个对应点组成的矩阵W: 最好只有一个奇异值为0或者近似为0,其他的都为非零;这样能够使得svd效果好;
  • 像素值的范围过大;如pi = (1832; 1023;)


  • 归一化像素点
      1. 新坐标系的原点应该位于图像点的质心处(平移);

  • 其次,变换后的图像点距原点的均方距离应为2像素(缩放)





  • 归一化,对每个点进行缩放
  • 八点算法计算Fq,
  • 反归一化

(1) 归一化: 先平移到新坐标系,在缩放



def normalized_eight_point_alg(points1, points2):
    N = points1.shape[0]
    points1_uv = points1[:, 0:2]
    points2_uv = points2[:, 0:2]    # 取x,y 坐标
    # 取坐标均值
    points1_mean = np.mean(points1_uv, axis=0)
    points2_mean = np.mean(points2_uv, axis=0)

    # 点集的到中心的差
    points1_new = points1_uv - points1_mean
    points2_new = points2_uv - points2_mean

    # 计算缩放参数
    scale = np.sqrt(np.sum(points1_new**2)/N)
    scale1 = np.sqrt(2 / (np.sum(points1_new**2)/N * 1.0))
    scale2 = np.sqrt(2 / (np.sum(points2_new**2)/N * 1.0))

    # 归一化矩阵
    T1 = np.array([
        [scale1, 0, -points1_mean[0] * scale1],
        [0, scale1, -points1_mean[1] * scale2],
        [0, 0, 1]

    T2 = np.array([
        [scale2, 0, -points2_mean[0] * scale2],
        [0, scale2, -points2_mean[1] * scale2],        # 在看到的别人答案中别人取_mean[0],我觉得应该取[1],因为是y的差
        [0, 0, 1]

    # 对坐标点变换
    q1 = T1.dot(points1.T).T    # N * 3
    q2 = T2.dot(points2.T).T    # N * 3

    # 八点算法
    Fq = lls_eight_point_alg(q1, q2)

    F = T2.T.dot(Fq).dot(T1)

    return F

3. 计算平均距离

  • 通过公式将p2的点映射成为p1面上的一条直线—极线

  • 可以通过点到直线的距离公式计算平均距离:


def compute_distance_to_epipolar_lines(points1, points2, F):
    # F.Tp2 = l, 求得p2到p1面上的映射直线
    line = F.T.dot(points2.T)  # 3 * N

    dis_sum = 0
    N = points1.shape[0]

    for i in range(N):
        x = points1[i, 0]
        y = points1[i, 1]
        A = line[0, i]
        B = line[1, i]
        C = line[2, i]
        dis_sum += np.abs(A*x + B*y + C) / np.sqrt(A**2 + B**2)

    return dis_sum / N      # 平均距离

4. 画出极线

    plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)  # 建立1*2 的图
    line1 = F.T.dot(points2.T)   # p2到p1面上的极线     3 * N
    N1 = line1.shape[1]     # 极线的数量
    for i in range(N1):
        A = line1[0, i]
        B = line1[1, i]
        C = line1[2, i]  # 极线的参数: Ax + By + C =0; ==> y = (-A/B)x - (C/B)
        W = im1.shape[1]    # 图片width,
        y1 = -C/B       # (0,y1)
        y2 = -(A * W + C) / B   # (W, y2)
        plt.plot([0, W], [y1, y2], 'r')     # 画出每一条极线
        plt.plot([points1[i, 0]], [points1[i, 1]], "b*")    # 画出 每个极点的(x,y)坐标
    plt.imshow(im1, cmap='gray')

    # 第二幅图片
    plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
    line2 = F.dot(points1.T)
    N2 = line2.shape[1]
    for i in range(N1):
        A = line2[0, i]
        B = line2[1, i]
        C = line2[2, i]  # 极线的参数: Ax + By + C =0; ==> y = (-A/B)x - (C/B)
        W = im1.shape[1]    # 图片width,
        y1 = -C/B       # (0,y1)
        y2 = -(A * W + C) / B   # (W, y2)
        plt.plot([0, W], [y1, y2], 'r')     # 画出每一条极线
        plt.plot([points2[i, 0]], [points2[i, 1]], "b*")    # 画出 每个极点的(x,y)坐标
    plt.imshow(im2, cmap='gray')


Set: data/set1
Fundamental Matrix from LLS  8-point algorithm:
 [[ 1.55218081e-06 -8.18161523e-06 -1.50440111e-03]
 [-5.86997052e-06 -3.02892219e-07 -1.13607605e-02]
 [-3.52312036e-03  1.41453881e-02  9.99828068e-01]]
Distance to lines in image 1 for LLS: 28.025662937533877
Distance to lines in image 2 for LLS: 25.162875800036915
p'^T F p = 0.03156399064220228
Fundamental Matrix from normalized 8-point algorithm:
 [[ 5.93261511e-07 -5.08492255e-06  8.76427688e-05]
 [-4.66834735e-06 -3.20108624e-07 -6.12207138e-03]
 [-7.74714403e-04  8.42028676e-03  1.25311400e-01]]
Distance to lines in image 1 for normalized: 0.9431072572196602
Distance to lines in image 2 for normalized: 0.8719800541568359
Set: data/set2
Fundamental Matrix from LLS  8-point algorithm:
 [[-5.63087200e-06  2.74976583e-05 -6.42650411e-03]
 [-2.77622828e-05 -6.74748522e-06  1.52182033e-02]
 [ 1.07623595e-02 -1.22519240e-02 -9.99730547e-01]]
Distance to lines in image 1 for LLS: 9.701438829435915
Distance to lines in image 2 for LLS: 14.568227190498229
p'^T F p = 0.03149037056281445
Fundamental Matrix from normalized 8-point algorithm:
 [[-1.53880961e-07  2.46528633e-06 -1.57563630e-04]
 [ 3.50323566e-06  3.08159735e-07  6.82243058e-03]
 [ 2.42265054e-04 -8.27925885e-03 -4.08002117e-03]]
Distance to lines in image 1 for normalized: 0.8955997529976532
Distance to lines in image 2 for normalized: 0.8959928005846117